BuddyBlog Post Created from Within My Profile
This post was created using Buddyblog. I am on my profile (member page) of my buddyboss site. From there, I am creating this post. I hope to edit the content after publication to document how and where it displays.
Blog Visibility
This post is visible on the blog page: https://therisereport.com/blog/
Home Page (Buddyboss newsfeed)
This post is visible in the widget for headlines (which is latest posts) on the homepage (newsfeed)
*This post is not visible in the buddyboss activity feed on the homepage (newsfeed)*
Profile Page (members)
The post does not display in the Timeline tab.
This post does display on the Buddyblog tab.
I am not able to add comments. The Responses window does appear, and I can type a response. When I submit the response I get a popup indicating “therisereport.com says” then there is some blank space with no other detail, and at the bottom of the pop-up, I see “OK”
This type of post is created with a buddyblog form called Article Test.
The Post Type is Posts and the Form Type is User Post Form